The site is called Dog Shaming and it features pictures posted by pet owners of their animals along with a note of what they're guilty of!
Aren't these hilarious?
Now back to my dog issues. Over the last month, Stewart (my 4-year-old lab mix) has begun eating anything left on the coffee table. This includes: usb drives, coupons, work papers, pens, etc. My diagnosis is that he's pissed that I'm now working from home (and have been working exclusively on the coffee table until my wireless got fixed over the weekend - yea), and he's annoyed that I'm not playing with him, so he eats my "work" stuff to prove he's not happy with this new situation.
Matthew's diagnosis: He's not that smart, and I need to stop leaving my shit all over the coffee table.
Either way, this new bad behavior has got to stop, but in the meantime, I'll enjoy reading about everyone else's crazy pets!
Do you have an animal that gets into trouble a lot? What would your pet's sign say?
- Melina

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