This was taken yesterday before gymnastics by their Daddy who is home for just another two weeks before school starts again. (My husbad, Mark, is a second grade teacher in an urban school district.)
So Evelyn or "Evie" is 4, and Nora is 3 - there's only 15 months between them. Yes, it was crazy at first. Yes, it's much better now! The girls love each other so much and spend most of their days playing together - or fighting - but I've been told that's totally normal among siblings so close in age. Melina and I are 4.5 years apart, so we never fought - but we also didn't have much in common until she was in college. I do love having the girls close in age, and it makes my heart melt to see them loving on each other.
So a little about each one ... Evie is all drama all the time and a total girly-girl. She's also a serious, deep thinker and very observant. She loves playing dress up, making up her own silly songs, dance, gymnastics and swimming - she is a fish! She'll start pre-k this fall.
Nora is much more laid-back and loves being the center of attention. She's always saying "watch me" or "me first" - anything to be front and center. Nora is also super funny and loves making everyone laugh. She also loves singing, dance, swimming, gymnastics, dress up and playing babies and princesses. She'll start preschool this fall!
I sure love my girls and hope you'll love reading about them too!

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