Little man is one month old today! In the long four weeks he's been here, we've conquered many things, but one that I'm most proud of is breast feeding. It was the one motherly duty I was worried I wouldn't be able to do. You hear so many stories of mothers who want to breast feed, but then they can't produce enough milk or their baby never figures out how to latch on, etc. I'm blessed to have a good little eater, but that wasn't the case in the beginning. We had a really hard time in the hospital. Poor thing was so exhausted from his travels out my hoo-ha, that he didn't want to eat at all. (or maybe his little trip made him lose his appetite, it did for me!) Either way, he only latched on TWICE our entire stay. The lactation consultants were fabulous and very patient with me. We were sent home with some formula to supplement, and I'm happy to say he only had to use it a few days before he was a sole breast eater!
Anyone that has ever breast fed a baby, whether it be two days or two years, can tell you how hard it is. It's a blessing to be able to feed your baby, but sometimes it's a pain in the ass. And not everyone makes it a clear choice for mothers. I was being sent packages of formula before Harvey was even born and breast pumps are a whopping $300.
So, when I was sent this article by my cousin that outlined some inclusions in Obamacare, I couldn't have been more thrilled. Our President and his Administration get it. Under Obamacare, most insurances are covering the cost of breast pumps, breast pump rentals and visits to a lactation consultant. How cool is that?
My insurance is United Health Care, and I was able to get a free breast pump through their provider, Lucina.
If you're currently pregnant, I encourage you to check with you insurance provider to find out if you're eligible for a free breast pump. I mean, wouldn't you rather spend that $300 on some cute baby clothes?!
- Melina
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