

More from our trip: We love Jonathan Adler

While we absolutely lusted after everything in Minneapolis' new Jonathan Adler store, we each only walked away with one purchase - nursery nightlight for Melina, red "C" pillow for Mea and Greek key bowl for me.


  1. They are opening a store in Denver! I can't wait!

  2. ooh i'm so glad you went there! i forgot that it had opened!!

  3. Love the blog girls, it's awesome! May I make a suggestion? Could you post who is writing each entry? Because I know a little about your family, I can usually figure it out at some point during the post, but for readers who don't, I think it would be helpful. Maybe where it says "posted by Edit" you could also add the first name of the author? Just a thought, like I said, I've really been enjoying the blog!
