

The Summer Bucket List

I can't claim to have come up with this idea on my own - Julie Blanner of Coordinately Yours inspired me with her post - but what a great thought ... a summer bucket list!

Photo by Alicia Abla Studio
Every summer, we spend all of June and July in the water ... either in Seaside, Florida where we spend two weeks with our families or at any number of area pools (Leawood, Prairie Village, the Jewish Community Center and, lucky us, our neighbor's). But inevitably by August, swimming starts to lose its luster and it's just too damn hot for another trip to see the cows at Deanna Rose.

This summer, I need to come up with a few new adventures. Here's what I have in mind:

  • Sign the girls up for an art class or two at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - the museum is a new client!
  • Go berry picking - strawberries, blueberries, whatever ... we just need to cross this one off the list so I can stop feeling like a bad mom who's kids think their food only comes from Price Chopper or Chick fil-a
  • Shop the Overland Park Farmer's Market - again with the guilt : )
  • Ride bikes (and rent them in Seaside)
  • Have a lemonade stand - have you seen this adorable sign at Pottery Barn Kids?
  • Play in the sprinkler 
  • Tennis camp - my favorite when I was young. The girls are both signed up through Leawood.
  • Visit St. Louis
  • Spend a week in Nixa - this one is for the girls, not Mark and me - whoo-hoo! 
  • Picnic whenever possible 
  • Enjoy an adults only weekend at the lake with our besties from Nashville, Denver and Kansas City! 
  • Cheer for Evie playing t-ball for the first time with a bunch of other incoming kinders at Trailwood
  • Visit the zoo ... in the morning ... and ride the trains. I am no longer pushing a double stroller with two 40-pound children in it all the way to Africa and back. Boo.
  • Tour Shatto Farms - will the girls love this? Not sure, but we have to try.
  • Sleep in! This one is for Nora and me; no one else will sleep past sun-up.

What are you planning for this summer? Any adventures we're missing? We'd love to hear from you!

- Kara